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About Us

Wig Wag Simulations (WWS) is a leading content creation group offering assets for Auran’s Trainz Railroad Simulator series. Founded as Midwest Trainz Group in 2021 by a group of four, WWS has quickly grown into a large community represented by a team of 20 talented and hard-working creators coming from diverse backgrounds. Guided by a shared passion for railroading and commitment to excellence, our team strives to provide engaging and realistic assets that enriches our railfan community.


Meet Our Team!

Conversions of any sort to either mobile or any outside N3V games is strictly prohibited. We have spent time on our work and would not like to see it being illegally converted elsewhere. Failure to comply with these rules will result with reports to proper administrators. Re-releases of our content is not permitted. Once again, our content creators have spent time on their work and would not like for others to claim it as theirs.

If you wish to join the Wig Wag Sims Discord server, please reach out to one of our members via discord and request an invite.

Asset repair, suggestions, or any questions regarding our content, let us know.

To contact us, use our email or submit a form in the contacts page:

Feel free to check us out on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and our server on Discord!



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