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Wig Wag Simulations New Recruits


Jul 15, 2024

Give a warm welcome to our newest members!

Wig Wag Simulations recently welcomed two new members onto the development team: Revenger3Creator and Pahk (actual names not revealed due to privacy concerns).

Revenger3Creator (or Rev in short) is a prolific content creator with experience in reskinning, kitbashing, and scripting. He is well known in the community for his fictional railroads, the most well known being Hillmont Logistics. Rev has previously contributed content for Wig Wag Simulations under the pseudonym csxguy3497, adding realistic recreations of Burlington Northern’s GP30 and GP40G locomotives. He is also a rookie 3D modeler. 

Some of Rev's custom locomotives. They cannot be released to the public.

Pahk joins to strengthen Wig Wag Simulations’ route-building department. He is well-respected for his recreations of railroad lines in California and the Pacific Northwest region. Like Rev and Rio, Pahk also enjoys operating a fictional railroad, namely the Idaho Central.

Scene from one of Pahk's routes

We are very excited to welcome this new group of talent as they contribute to Wig Wag Simulations’ growth in the future.

Conversions of any sort to either mobile or any outside N3V games is strictly prohibited. We have spent time on our work and would not like to see it being illegally converted elsewhere. Failure to comply with these rules will result with reports to proper administrators. Re-releases of our content is not permitted. Once again, our content creators have spent time on their work and would not like for others to claim it as theirs.

If you wish to join the Wig Wag Sims Discord server, please reach out to one of our members via discord and request an invite.

Asset repair, suggestions, or any questions regarding our content, let us know.

To contact us, use our email or submit a form in the contacts page:

Feel free to check us out on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and our server on Discord!



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